Danielle Riddle, born and raised in Boise, Idaho, had an interesting problem. She wanted to use online platforms to make a second source of income for herself, like a side job or hustle to save up for a vacation. But her primary skill was that she was a musician. How would that turn music into something else that could be sold online besides the music itself? She didn't have a deal with a record company, and Danielle didn't have any good recording gear. I would have had to spend thousands of dollars to get started, which would have made a side business pointless. So, how would her love of music and the Internet work together?

Danielle Riddle of Boise grew up in a place where creativity was everywhere. She used to want to be a singer, but it didn't work out when she tried to do that on stage. She didn't have a good enough voice. Then she started playing piano and guitar, and Riddle found she was good at it. After a few years, she liked her job but was looking for something more. Every day, her friends and classmates would tell her a new story about how one of them had come up with a new idea selling well online. Everyone else seemed to have a back channel, but she didn't. So, just like she did when trying to figure out music, Dannielle Riddle came up with ideas that would work.

Soon after, Danielle Riddle saw that solving problems naturally led to products people wanted. Even though she was a musician, she could still make things people wanted online that didn't have to be music. She just needed to look at things from a different angle. There were problems everywhere she looked. As a musician, Riddle's typical day consisted of working with her peers and listening to their complaints about things that didn't work in the studio or on stage and what they wished they had to make life easier. Soon, Danielle Riddle realized that the people she worked with were a great source of new ideas. Even better, platforms like Etsy let Riddle make prototypes of her product ideas and test them on real people who liked playing music and wanted to make it easier.

Danielle Riddle from Boise, Idaho, created a way to make music sheet holders, instrument braces, and quick, intelligent helper products that made life easier for all musicians. If someone had made a makeshift way to carry and pull out guitar picks faster, Riddle would study it and developed a prototype that could be made quickly and sold online. If a musician friend devised a way to keep blisters from happening while drumming, Riddle copied the idea and sold the same product online. Riddle sometimes worked with other people on great ideas because she needed help making the product and selling it to more people than she could do on her own.

In short, Danielle Riddle realized she didn't have to be stuck in a definition to make a second income for herself. She had lots of good ideas in Boise and online. She just needed to be flexible enough to grab the chance when it came along.